diptych 2x50x50 cm
Do the torments of creation manifest the impossibility of creating? The blockage of the blank page.
In this case, the page is black. Black is the absence of light, and my journey is at the end of the night.
On the strength of a prolific output of small-scale nocturnal canvases in which the elaborate technique gave me the satisfaction of seeing the slightest particle of light vibrate in this night, I set out to reawaken this magic in a larger dimension.
I stretched out large frames, made the white of the canvas disappear, coated it with a black that Anish Kapoor is no stranger to, and found myself in front of the black canvas.
The black virgin.
The painter's point zero.
I began sanding, coating, rolling, scratching, weeding and manufacturing. Anything but dripping, I abhor those drips that inspire so many painters to believe in the unconscious. I'm in the will to create, in the material, in the light
To make.
Erasing, erasing, redoing.
Destroy. The page is black, "Le voyage au bout de la nuit".
extract from "Gaspard sors de la nuit" Contes de Zarnij